Heron Robots
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How the new paradigms in AI, from swarm intelligence to morphological computation and complex adaptive systems theory applications, (could) help robotics?
Is robotics the science of embodied cognition?
Is there a need to extend computation theory to manage the interaction with the
physical world?
Does robotics needs a 'paradigm change' from top-down
symbolic processing to emerging self-organized cognitive behaviors of
complez adaptive dynamical systems?
Which relations are there between new AI, the US NSF idea of CyberPhysical Systems Science, and the concepts of embodied and situated cognition popular in European cognitive sciences community and a significant part of the robotics community?
What does it mean in this context to be 'biomimetic'?
Hiring a professional essay writer is an excellent idea if you don't have enough time to finish your paper. Essay writing is a challenging process that requires thorough research, organizing information, and paper writing. Aside from that, it also requires extensive editing. Hiring someone to write your paper can save you significant time and ensure proper results. However, you need to be careful when choosing a service. Not all writing services are the same, and you can never be 100% certain of the quality of the paper.
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